Dueling varies by game, instance, and many, many more factors. This subject alone can have books written about it, but we will try to provide a brief overview of how this is done.
First off, let us define the major types of duels:
- Major Types:
- Traditional Duels with weapons (or bare hands)
- Traditional Duels with magic
- Nontraditional Duels with random items
Now, the premise of dueling is to write up a story about your interaction with another (NPC or another player) that leads to combat. The main essence of dueling is to tell that story so well that it would seem like a "movie" to those reading, able to picture each event within their mind and the sequence is smooth and fluid.
Many factors affect the "mindset" of dueling…
- Scene
- Be sure to "set the scene" for the readers. You are telling them about what they see, smell, feel (externally such as the weather). Now, make sure you do this in as simple of way as possible, but be specific. Do not spend ten minutes writing about this and leave no time for your attack or defense.
- Fluidity
- This is one of the more difficult things to convey in your writing and takes many, many times of practicing before one can become even average at this. This factor is the actions of your character and your ability to express them in a clear, flowing manner. For instance, your sword just cannot go from being unsheathed to impaling your prey in one sentence. That is what we call choppy. An entire paragraph can be written about how you "unsheath your sword, take the motions towards your opponent, how you swing your sword, and then what is the pending result." Be detailed, as this is, in many opinions, the most important factor that can make a writer great or average.
- Attacking
- Okay, now to the nitty gritty part of the actual assault. Here is your chance to do your most uber (but realistic) attack upon your foe. Now what do you do? Describe it! Did Jackie Chan just "kick someone" or did Chuck Norris just "beat someone up"? No! Jackie Chan jumped through the air like he can walk upon the winds, delivering a spine tingling, side kick with a stiff leg as he yelled his battle cry! That is what we want. Don't just punch someone, make it read like someone we want to read over and over again. But, make it realistic. For instance, if you are a pixie, kicking someone will probably do nothing. Just as if you are a priest, you would not just all of a sudden break out a monster blade the size of two men.
- Defending
- Now, to the defense of an attack. Same rules apply as they would to an attack. Realism. Details! You just don't "jump to the right" or "make the magic disappear"… You "bend at the knees, your elven lineage coming into play as you deftly and narrowly avoid the striking blade with a well timed and calculated escape to the right." Yes… you can "jump to the right…", but do you really want to do that to everyone? And as for realism, no, do NOT avoid everything (see godmode) but you can take some damage or a wound every now and then. And then make sure you REMEMBER what damage you took, as if you lose your right arm in your first defense, you cannot suddenly swing your sword with your right arm in the next attack. YOU DON'T HAVE A RIGHT ARM!
- God-Modding
- See godmode. Don't do it. Enough said.
- Time limits
- Time limits are a good thing, as they try and keep the duel going in a certain amount of time. In a friendly spar or practice, time limits are not such a stickler, but try to keep it decent, for your friend's sake. In a judged duel, time limits are a little more important as the timing will affect more people. Usual time limits are 10-15 minutes per post. It is up to you and your opponent to decide how stringent the judges should adhere to those guidelines.
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page revision: 8, last edited: 22 Jan 2007 17:59